Travel Pros Know Foreign Currency is a Must in Their Wallet


Many U.S. travelers don’t recognize the importance of carrying foreign currency compared to travelers from other nations. Bringing foreign cash, and how much to bring, is as important as making sure your credit card providers know you are traveling internationally. Foreign currency enables you to pay like a local, provides an important backup payment method, and is the most common payment for small transactions. 

Leisure travelers venture out internationally to experience local culture and shopping. Many international shops and markets prefer cash since credit card processing fees and exchange rates affect their profit. You can help cut out those costs by paying with cash. Thus, the vendors are more willing to negotiate on the price of goods or services. And who doesn’t like to brag about the deal they got? 

While merchants love accepting cash, cash is also the most accepted payment worldwide. Cash is a secure payment with no reliance on technology. Credit and debit card fraud continues to rise. While security protections are designed to protect your account by quickly locking your card when suspicious activity occurs, this isn’t easy to deal with when traveling. Therefore, having foreign currency in your wallet is an important complement to your credit card on your travels. 

International travel is full of excitement and anticipation for new experiences and plans. Ease your payment worries by ensuring you have a secure backup payment and are ready to buy how you want, when you want. With foreign currency as a staple in your travel wallet, you’re a travel pro. 


Prepare for your next journey with AAA Foreign Currency provided by CXI. 

Visit your local AAA or to purchase.