Stop a Holiday Disaster Before It Starts

Don’t let a fire threaten property or people and spoil your celebrations

Like a bow topping a gift box, the holidays wrap the year in equal parts excitement and exhaustion thanks to the crazy-busy time of year.

The fun-filled season can also be a hazardous time for you, your family and your home. For example, the threat of fire is probably never greater, coming from Christmas trees, cooking and overloaded electrical outlets. Here’s how you can reduce your risk.

Water that tree!

Talk about ruining your holiday—and possibly much more: According to the National Fire Protection Association (, more than 200 home fires each year start with a Christmas tree. Unplug all tree lights before you leave home and keep the tree adequately watered. (Tip: If a gentle tug on a branch yields a handful of needles, the tree is too dry.)

Pay attention to home appliances

It’s hard to imagine life without the convenience of home appliances, but if your appliance isn’t working right—especially if it’s making strange sounds—it could pose a risk for fire. Unplug it and either have it repaired by a professional or buy a new one.

Taking the heat

Space heaters are small, efficient and effective. They’re also potentially deadly, causing an estimated 25,000 residential fires each year, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Always keep a generous radius around them (at least 3 feet) that’s clear of clothes, furniture, bedding and all other flammable materials.

Stirring up trouble in the kitchen

Never leave a hot stove unattended, and avoid setting recipes, hand towels and other flammable items on or near the stovetop—ceramic flattop stoves can look deceptively friendly even when hot from recent use. If a grease fire ignites, never reach for water, tempting as it may be; instead, keep handy a charged extinguisher rated for class K fires, which include those started by oils and fat.

Wire rhymes with fire

Overloaded outlets can pose a big fire risk. Also, check plugs, cords and wall sockets for signs of damage or excess wear, such as fraying or smoke-stained outlets, and stop using them if they show any of these signs. Never use indoor-only holiday lights, extension cords or plugs outside in the elements. 

Leaving town without worry

Celebrating the holidays out of town? Don’t leave home without setting the heat at a proper temperature. Water can cause problems, too. If you’ll be away for weeks at a time, turn off the water at the main shut-off valve and drain all lines to prevent leaks and to keep pipes from freezing and bursting in colder climates. For even more security, have a friend or neighbor check on your residence to catch any unforeseen issue while you are away.

Talk to a trusted advisor about protecting your home. Visit, call 855-282-2275 or visit your local AAA office.