Bring Home Christmas, Securely


Nothing says Christmas like a live tree. But be sure to get it home safely. According to AAA research, 20 million Americans who bought a fresh-cut tree in the last several years didn’t properly secure it—risking damage to their vehicle, endangering other motorists and facing possible penalties.

A few tips:

  • If you don’t have a roof rack, try the bed of a pickup truck or inside an SUV or a van.
  • Use quality tie-downs—rope or nylon ratchet straps—and have the tree wrapped in netting.
  • Point the bottom of the trunk toward the front so air can move over the branches smoothly when you drive.
  • Give the tree the tug test to make sure it’s firmly in place.

Is your vehicle protected against holiday mishaps? For a free, no-obligation auto insurance quote, call 855-282-2275 or visit