Floods can happen anywhere – Be ready

AAA Insurance

Floods are the number one natural disaster in the United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, causing an average of $8 billion in damages and 82 fatalities annually. Many homeowners don’t realize they could be at risk.  

“Floods can happen anywhere, even in low- or moderate-risk flood zones,” said Gene Castiglioni, AAA South Jersey Insurance spokesman. “Taking a few simple precautions can minimize impacts and help keep you and your loved ones safer.”

Flood facts

  • Floods happen in all 50 states.
  • Areas vulnerable to flooding include:
    • rivers, streams and other bodies of water
    • storm drains
    • recent burn areas
    • new construction
    • urban environments with lots of pavement
  • Homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage. Consider purchasing flood insurance if you are at risk. Talk to your insurance agent, and visit www.floodsmart.gov for more information.

Flood safety

  • Avoid driving in floodwater. More than half of all flood-related deaths happen in cars. Twelve inches of moving water can sweep away a small car, and 18 inches can carry away a larger vehicle.
  • Head to higher ground. If you have to evacuate, be cautious walking in floodwater. Avoid moving water and use a broom handle or stick to test water depth. Six inches of water can knock adults off their feet.
  • Build an emergency kit. Include a battery-powered or hand-cranked radio, a flashlight and extra batteries, first aid supplies, medications, nonperishable food, a can opener and enough water per person for three days (one gallon per person per day). Keep essential electronics charged.
  • Create an emergency plan. Talk with your family about where you’ll go in the event of a flood, how you’ll get there and how you will communicate with each other. Don’t forget to plan for pets.
  • Shut down safely. Unplug electronics. Know how to turn off your power, gas and water, and, if time permits, shut everything down and move electronics and other valuables to higher ground before evacuating.

For more information on auto, homeowners and other personal lines of insurance, contact your local AAA office.