Protect pets when disaster strikes

AAA Insurance

Disaster preparedness requires careful planning, especially if you have pets. Toto, Tweety and Tabby depend on you to keep them safe if a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire or other emergency occurs.

“Pets are important members of the family. Including them in your disaster planning is critical,” said Gene Castiglioni, AAA South Jersey Insurance spokesman. By taking the following steps, you’ll help ensure the well-being of your pets when the worst happens:

Prepare ahead of time

  • You may want to microchip your dog or cat. ID tags and collars can be lost. A microchip may be the only way to identify your pet.
  • Consider applying a pet rescue sticker to your front window to alert rescuers and first responders that animals may be trapped inside. Stickers are available for free through the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and can be purchased in most pet stores.
  • Create an emergency supply kit for your pets, similar to the one you have for your family. The kit should include enough food and water for three to seven days, medications, garbage bags, a leash, a crate or carrier, and anything else necessary for your pet’s survival. Add your contact information, your veterinarian’s contact information, and your pet’s medical records in a waterproof container.
  • Because pets are not always allowed in emergency shelters, it’s important to investigate places for them to stay in case of disaster. Make a list of pet shelters, pet-friendly hotels, and relatives or friends who might be able to house your animals.
  • Involve your pets, especially horses, in family emergency drills. Get them used to leashes, halters, crates and trailers.
  • Inspect horse trailers regularly to make sure they are in working order in case of an evacuation.
  • You may also want to establish a buddy system and arrange to exchange keys and information with a friend who also has a pet. That way, you can check on each other’s houses and pets if one of you can’t make it home in an emergency.

When disaster strikes

  • If your animals are in the yard, at the first sign of disaster, bring them inside and keep them close by. Dogs and cats can become disoriented during difficult times and may run away.
  • Place your pets in a secure location. Put dogs in a room with the door closed and cats in a carrier. The sound of thunder or the smell of smoke can frighten animals, and they might disappear under beds or in other parts of the house and be difficult to find in a hurry.
  • Latch pets like birds, mice, hamsters, lizards and guinea pigs, into their cages so they can’t escape.
  • If you have to evacuate, take your pets with you.

Following these tips can make it easier to react quickly when you and your pets are in danger.

Make sure you’re covered if disaster strikes. For information about home insurance, call your AAA insurance agent or insurance customer service, or visit your local branch.