What To Do After A Car Crash


Whether it’s a fender-bender or serious crash, car accidents are nerve-racking. Our checklist will guide you through steps to take immediately after a crash, and in following days.

Before a crash

  • The best way to prepare for the unexpected is to be equipped beforehand. Keep these items in your vehicle at all times: vehicle registration and proof of insurance, pen and paper, emergency kit, and contact information of your preferred repair shop.


After a crash

  • Assess the scene
    • If possible, check on others involved in the collision to determine if there are injuries. Call 911 if you or others need medical attention.
  • Think safety
    • If there are no injuries and your vehicle is operable, turn on the hazard lights and safely move your car away from traffic. Do not leave the scene.
  • File a police report
    • Call the police to file a report. If officers do not arrive at the scene, file a report by visiting the local police department or your insurance agency one to two days later. Having a report on file may help later if a liability claim is filed.
  • Exchange information
    • Exchange the following information with all parties: name, driver’s license number, address, phone number, insurance company and policy number; note the color, vehicle make, model and year, license plate number, and VIN of each vehicle.
  • Document the accident
    • Record details, including date, time of day, location, road conditions, and weather.
    • If possible, take photos of vehicle damage for all involved vehicles.
  • File an insurance claim
  • Repair your vehicle
    • As the driver, you choose which auto repair facility to use. In addition to recommendations provided by your insurance company, AAA Approved Auto Repair facilities provide trusted, reliable service nationwide.